Love on Tap: Brewers, Bloggers, & Beercations

Love on Tap: Brewers, Bloggers, & Beercations Love on Tap Craft Beer Festival has morphed into a weekend of craft beer related events. LOT Fest is on Leap Day, Saturday, February 29th; one of the many happenings for the weekend that straddles both February and March. The kick-off to the public events of Love on […]
Cooking in Ocean City: Poseidon’s Pub

Cooking in Ocean City Poseidon’s Pub Ocean Downs Casino is known for its slot machines, table games, and horse racing, but did you know world class ice sculptor and chef, Erik Cantine, is the Director of Food and Beverage for Ocean Downs Casino? Erik supervises a wonderful restaurant within the casino named Poseidon’s Pub. The […]
FeBREWary Press Conference

FeBREWary Press Conference FeBREWary Press Conference – Aloft Ocean City At the FeBREWary Press Conference held at the Aloft Ocean City on January 27, 2020. Shore Craft Beer announced the Shore’s month-long celebration of FeBREWary during their 4:00 pm reception. Shore Craft Beer detailed how businesses on the Shore will be celebrating FeBREWary. Governor […]
Press Release: Media Advisory at Aloft Ocean City

Press Release: Media Advisory at Aloft Ocean City Governor Hogan’s FeBREWary, Craft Beer Lover’s Month proclamation, grant from Rural Maryland Council helps create new state-of-the-art App Announcement of month long regional celebration, capstone festival in Ocean City and participation of national beer bloggers. BERLIN,MD, January 22, 2020 – Shore Craft Beer will announce the Shore’s celebration of FeBREWary […]
Beer Notes: Beer Inspired Gifts

Craft beer drinkers represent over 40% of the population over the age of 21. Therefore, it is no surprise that marketers are targeting our population with some pretty cool merchandise. This week on Beer Notes, we are exploring some cool merchandising items and trends. Beer on tap is a luxury and having the ability […]
Crooked Hammock Expansion

This Hammock is Wide Enough for THREE The Crooked Hammock Brewery opened a second location in Middletown, DE, on November 12, 2019, and will be opening a third location in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Spring 2020. The privately owned brewery, now a chain, states on their site, “Local, Independent, and Proud. We craft brews that […]
5th Annual SCBF: OCtoberfest video

Festival goers of all ages & species had a great time at Sunset Park in Ocean City! We want to thank all for this wonderful day. Mark your calendars for next year, and join us on Leap Day 2020 for Love On Tap, our next craft beer fest, at the Ocean City Convention Center!
Press Release: 5th Annual Shore Craft Beer Fest During OCtoberfest Attracts Over 1500

5th Annual Shore Craft Beer Fest during OCtoberfest attracts over 1500 festival goers and doubles the number of hotel tickets sold, with a large economic impact. 82.5% of advance ticket purchasers were from more than 1 hour away Berlin, MD — Oct 30, 2019 — The Shore Craft Beer Fest that was held last weekend […]
Shore Craft Beer Awarded Grant for New App

Glasses Half Full: What Beer Goes With What Glass?

It may occur to you the next time you step into a taproom, that the standard pint 16-ounce “shaker” pint glass so closely associated with drinking a beer in America is not what’s being filled at the tap. Tulip glasses, stanges, snifters, flutes, Imperial or Nonic pints, pilsner glasses, thistle glasses, Spiegelau IPA glasses, weizens, […]
Life in a Brewery Town

As someone who has grown up on the Shore, who has seen firsthand how a brewery changes a place and has now lived in two towns with a brewery, I can say that having one in your community completely alters the pace and profit of life. I grew up in Salisbury, Md. but now I […]
Rosé (Beer) All Day

Summer is finally here, and for the past few years with increasing popularity the drink of the season is rosé. Drinking the delicate pink wine conjures images of warm summer afternoons, outdoor lunches in sidewalk bistros, beach-side bonfires and naturally, brunch. Bottle shops and wine stores can’t seem to stock enough of it. The hashtag […]