Beer Notes: What Are Hops?

Hop heavy beers remain some of the favorite styles at the Great American Beer Festival in Denver every year. Today on Beer Notes, we will learn about hops. The hops that we use in the brewing process today are actually the flower of the Humulus Lupulus plant. The flowers grow on vines and are […]
Beer Notes: What Attracts Your Attention

How do you choose your craft beer? This week on Beer Notes, we are discussing what attracts your attention and makes you shell out your hard earned dollars at your favorite craft retailer. Recently, at the Shore Craft Beer Fest in Ocean City, Maryland, Tracy, a small, independent craft beer retailer told us what matters […]
5th Annual SCBF: OCtoberfest video

Festival goers of all ages & species had a great time at Sunset Park in Ocean City! We want to thank all for this wonderful day. Mark your calendars for next year, and join us on Leap Day 2020 for Love On Tap, our next craft beer fest, at the Ocean City Convention Center!
Press Release: 5th Annual Shore Craft Beer Fest During OCtoberfest Attracts Over 1500

5th Annual Shore Craft Beer Fest during OCtoberfest attracts over 1500 festival goers and doubles the number of hotel tickets sold, with a large economic impact. 82.5% of advance ticket purchasers were from more than 1 hour away Berlin, MD — Oct 30, 2019 — The Shore Craft Beer Fest that was held last weekend […]
Beer Notes: How Your Craft Beer Ends Up on the Shelf

Ever wonder how the craft beer for sale in your local beer store is chosen? This week on Beer Notes, we are exploring how retailers choose their craft beer and some of the answers surprised even us. Breweries hire sales people to represent their craft beer and try to get it on tap and on […]
Beer Notes: Does Your Beer Define You

Does the beer you drink define you? This week on Beer Notes, we are exploring a concept called DUCP or the desire for unique consumer products. The DUCP is a concept that explores how consumers feel they define themselves by the products they purchase or consume. “As with almost everything in this society of conspicuous […]
Beer Notes: Dessert Beers – What A Treat!

For many, dessert and beer should never be used in the same sentence. This week on Beer Notes, we are discussing why craft brewers are defying this idea. Dessert is the sweet course eaten at the end of a meal and a nightcap, originally meaning a cap worn to bed to keep one warm, […]
Malt and Local Malting Facilities

Malt is the unsung hero of brewing according to Aaron Goss of the Carolina Malt House who is trying to change the landscape of malt production and use in Mid-Atlantic breweries’ beer. This week on Beer Notes, we are exploring malt and local malting facilities. According to Goss, “malt is really the heart of the […]
Last Weekend of Summer: FUN is still 100

Let’s go out with a BANG! The last weekend of September and Summer is upon us. The Shore Craft Beer Community knows how to say goodbye to Summer and welcome Fall! The breweries and restaurants on the shore have new flavors, events, and celebrations ready for you and your friends! Some events are happening tonight; […]
Beer Notes: Top 3 Pint Glasses

This script is from the second season of Beer Notes, which you can listen to at On last week’s episode of Beer Notes, we discussed why the traditional shaker pint glass found in most breweries and bars across the U.S. isn’t the ideal. This week on Beer Notes, we will introduce you to some of […]
Rosé (Beer) All Day

Summer is finally here, and for the past few years with increasing popularity the drink of the season is rosé. Drinking the delicate pink wine conjures images of warm summer afternoons, outdoor lunches in sidewalk bistros, beach-side bonfires and naturally, brunch. Bottle shops and wine stores can’t seem to stock enough of it. The hashtag […]
Can Releases: A Social Beer Phenomenon

It’s early, very early, in the morning, and you’re driving through town to pick up some groceries. Suddenly, there are cars backed up down the street—hundreds of them. They’re parked on curbs and piling into businesses’ lots. The license plates are from a panoply of states. All the owners of these cars are already lined […]