Craft Beer in Germany

Here in the United States, we care more about who owns the brewery and controls the brewing process than we do about what ingredients are in the beer.  Americans relish in the creativity of the brewer and we are willing to try beers brewed with innovative ingredients like peaches, live crabs or, where legal, even […]

TREAT Definitely not TRICK!: Great Craft Beer Flavors for Fall

New craft beer flavors to try for Fall

As a kid, I mapped out the best & worst places for Trick-or-Treating each year. The worst homes were those that gave out pennies, apples, & toothbrushes – really?! The best stops had lots of categories though. I remember making mental notes for who had full size candy bars, who let you reach in the […]

Beer Notes: Life in a brewery town

To listen to the audio for this Beer Notes, please click here. Anyone who has grown up on Delmarva, the Eastern Shore of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia,  has seen firsthand how a brewery can change a place. Most Americans have seen this too since 80% of Americans over the age of 21 live within 10 […]

Beer Notes: Coffee Beer

To listen to the audio for this Beer Notes, please click here. Have you ever been out at the bar, feeling like a beer might make you even more tired?  No worries. What you need is the beverage that combines two of America’s favorite drinks. This week on Beer Notes, we’re talking about coffee beers. […]

Beer Notes: Crowlers and Growlers

This script is from the second season of Beer Notes, which you can listen to at Picture this: You’re at a brewery. It’s one that you’ve been meaning to visit forever, but it was just too far from your house to make the trek — until now. You’re finally here, and you just discovered your […]

Beer Notes: Brewery Growth in 2018

This script is from the second season of Beer Notes, which you can listen to at The rumor is that craft beer has reached its peak.  Some breweries are closing, beer sales are down and are being displaced by other craft concoctions.  Rumors are never good so this week on Beer Notes, we are going […]

Beer Notes: Top 3 Pint Glasses

Dewey Beer Co beers

This script is from the second season of Beer Notes, which you can listen to at On last week’s episode of Beer Notes, we discussed why the traditional shaker pint glass found in most breweries and bars across the U.S. isn’t the ideal.  This week on Beer Notes, we will introduce you to some of […]

Glasses Half Full: What Beer Goes With What Glass?

It may occur to you the next time you step into a taproom, that the standard pint 16-ounce “shaker” pint glass so closely associated with drinking a beer in America is not what’s being filled at the tap. Tulip glasses, stanges, snifters, flutes, Imperial or Nonic pints, pilsner glasses, thistle glasses, Spiegelau IPA glasses, weizens, […]

Beer Notes: Craft beer months in your state

Maryland FeBREWary

This script is from the second season of Beer Notes, which you can listen to at What do North Carolina, Idaho, and Maine have in common?  All three states have chosen to market April as their craft beer month.   This week on Beer Notes, we are discussing state’s that have craft beer months and […]

Some Like It Hot: How to Pair Your Wings With Beer

My fiancé and I recently started watching a show called “Hot Ones” (created by Christopher Schonberger and produced by First We Feast and Complex Media), that involves celebrities going through a gauntlet of eating wings with various (10) hot sauces of increasing Scoville levels. (The Scoville scale is a measurement of the spiciness or “heat” […]

Beer Notes: Alcohol-free craft beer

This script is from the second season of Beer Notes, which you can listen to at I can’t believe it’s not booze. As the popularity and demand for craft beer continues to rise in the U.S., so too does the demand for nonalcoholic craft beer. This week on Beer Notes, we’re discussing the growing trend […]