Beer Notes: Leap Day

When time throws you an extra day, you make the most of it!  This week on Beer Notes, we are looking at craft beer, Leap Day, and how the two of them go together.  In 46 BC, Julius Caesar added one day to our calendar every four years to make up for the discrepancy between […]

Cooking in Ocean City: Poseidon’s Pub

Ocean City Cooking

Cooking in Ocean City Poseidon’s Pub Ocean Downs Casino is known for its slot machines, table games, and horse racing, but did you know world class ice sculptor and chef, Erik Cantine,  is the Director of Food and Beverage for Ocean Downs Casino? Erik supervises  a wonderful restaurant within the casino named Poseidon’s Pub. The […]

Beer Notes: Thomas Jefferson

There is a lot of talk these days about our founding fathers, nobody seems to focus on their beer habits, however.  Today on Beer Notes, we are going to discuss just what Thomas Jefferson thought of beer and how it is relevant today. “At Monticello, beer was a “table liquor” served during dinner, and Jefferson’s […]

Beer Notes: Guinness Open Gate

Guinness Open Gate Brewery in Baltimore

Now that Guinness has opened the Open Gate brewery in Baltimore County, Maryland and winter is upon us, we thought it was time to take a look at the popular cold weather brew that Guinness is most famous for:  the stout.  This week on Beer Notes, we are exploring the origins of stouts. In 1759, […]

Beer Notes: Foam

Foam is a friend, not an unwelcome guest taking up too much space in our glass. Today on Beer Notes we will discuss the head on your beer and why it is desirable.  Beer head, foam, kräusen or froth, all names for the bubbles at the top of your beer.  This foam is produced by […]

Beer Notes: Beer Inspired Gifts

Craft beer drinkers represent over 40% of the population over the age of 21.   Therefore, it is no surprise that marketers are targeting our population with some pretty cool merchandise.  This week on Beer Notes, we are exploring some cool merchandising items and trends. Beer on tap is a luxury and having the ability […]

Beer Notes: Craft Beer Shoes?

The holiday season is fast upon us and here at Beer Notes, we are looking at gift options for the craft beer lover in your life.  This week’s edition will focus on the wildest option, shoes. Did you know that you can get limited release sneaks for your craft beer aficionado?  Both Merrell and Adidas […]

Beer Notes: Smithsonian Exhibit

When you think of the Smithsonian Institution, most people think of the Hope Diamond, or African American history, or the Air & Space Museum.  Some think of sculpture and others think of art.  Not many think of craft beer.  Today on Beer Notes, we highlight the new “Brewing a Revolution” exhibition at the Smithsonian in […]

Crooked Hammock Expansion

This Hammock is Wide Enough for THREE The Crooked Hammock Brewery opened a second location in Middletown, DE, on  November 12, 2019, and will be opening a third location in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Spring 2020. The privately owned brewery, now a chain, states on their site, “Local, Independent, and Proud. We craft brews that […]

Beer Notes: Mayflower

When the Mayflower was being stocked for the long journey to the New World, beer was among the highly valued stores put aboard.  This week on Beer Notes, we are discussing beer on the Mayflower and in the early colonies. Water was the last thing that anybody wanted to drink because it carried the risk […]

Beer Notes: How Hops Are Used in Brewing

Last week, we explored what hops are, this week on Beer Notes, we will learn how hops are used in the brewing process.  Most beer is made with dried hops.  The flowers of the hop plant are collected and dried and then processed  to create a highly concentrated version of hops that look like rabbit […]

Craft Beer is For the Generations

As we set forth on another holiday season, and the calendar fills with gatherings created far before we were born in some cases. Traditions of meals, desserts, performances, and holiday drinks are already on our to-do list. Holiday music almost creates a scent of pine in the air even more so then the tree! The […]