Evo Crystal Row American Strong Ale with Gouda

pouring beer fast

This is a continuation of a blog about the Shore Craft Beer Talk and Tasting held at the Clarion Fountainebleu in early 2016. I so was looking forward to trying Crystal Row, which I head Evo has been tinkering with since they were in Delmar (which is where I live, but I’m still a good […]

3rd Wave Sandstorm Belgian Tripel with Apricot Stilton

sandstorm beer

This is a continuation of a blog about the Shore Craft Beer Talk and Tasting held at the Clarion Fountainebleu in early 2016. When Belgian Tripels are done well you can’t really taste the alcohol, even when the beer is in the 9 percent range, as Sandstorm is.  Broadly speaking tastings are fun when they […]

Celebrating taste with beer and cheese

Pouring beer

The first time I wrote about craft beer culture was nearly a decade ago, and it was about craft beer and cheese. The guy who billed himself as the “Beer Trekker” was having a beer and cheese pairing in the area and, because it was beer, I did a newspaper story on it for the […]

Shore Craft Beer Fest radio spot and ticket info

We’re partnering with Seacrets, the state of Maryland and the Brewer’s association to carve out a winter tourism opportunity in Ocean City. Take advantage of the quiet time in the resort to come by and enjoy some of the world class beer the Eastern Shore has to offer. Click here to purchase tickets. Click here […]

A taste ahead of the curve: craft beer and cheese

As a kid, you learn to associate experiences through repeating things other people say when they appear to be having the same experiences, learning the language of taste is the same way. I came to craft beer through a fortunate, but backdoor-y, series of events. I was covering craft beer as a general assignment reporter about a […]

People of taste: BWS episode 83

[podcast] On this week’s podcast Doug Griffith and Tony Russo talk beer tastings, flavors and beer regulations from the week’s news. Click here to subscribe.

A Visit to Realerevival Brewing (aka RaR)

Welcome to RaR Brewing! Keeping it Local, Keeping it Reale. RaR Brewing opened its doors in the summer of 2013 in downtown Cambridge, MD. Locals Chris Browhan and James Merryweather, buddies since high school, started their RaR adventures as home brewers and now are producing beers right there on Poplar Street where the old pool […]

Pairs Well With…A Craft Beer Pairing Primer

Beer flight

Stage One: Pairings Happen Am I alone in the realization that I’m pairing craft beers without even being aware of it? We drink beer and we eat food often at the same time thus, of course, creating a beer and food pairing. But the thought of intentionally pairing beer can feel overwhelming and complicated. There […]

Crooked Hammock Brewery serves up summertime fun

Crooked Hammock

A Watering Hole for Locals and Shoobies Alike I actually lived in Lewes, Delaware for a minute several years ago. I loved it. It was a wintertime stint; a quiet spell in a community that bursts at the seams with sun- and fun-seeking folk. Many shops and restaurants close during the winter months when tourists […]

Hello Winter Warmers! A Story of Beers, Beasts, and Berries.

beer and glass

ISO: Winter. Or Beers That Make Us Feel like it’s Winter I’m not going to complain about the heat wave that hugged our region since, well, last spring, but I’m ready for winter. Real winter with cold and snow and more snow. Not the stuff of stories. The Colorado girl in me has had it […]

Welcome 2016 at a craft brewery

What are you doing New Year’s Eve? We can’t think of a better way to ring in the 2016 New Year than with friends and those you love at one of the Shore’s breweries. Ditch the sterile hotel lobby party, save your New York trip for a different (and less crowded) occasion, and head out […]

A Last-minute Gift Guide for the Beer Lovers on Your List

It just hit me that we’re well into the 12 days of Christmas and I have figured out exactly zero of my gift giving plans. I love the holidays and while waiting till the last minute doesn’t make me a humbug, I’ll be the first to admit, it does produce a bit of self-inflicted stress. […]