3rd Wave’s Kohana Chocolate Cherry Stout and Raspberry Vanilla Juice Box are a match made in FeBREWary heaven

If you’re looking for something to keep you warm this Valentine’s Day, look no further than 3rd Wave Brewing’s Kohana Chocolate Cherry Stout and the Raspberry Vanilla sour of their Juice Box series. They’re very different beers, but either one would make the perfect partner for a FeBREWary happy hour, and both will be available […]
What do Candy Kitchen, Wildberry, and 30 Days in the Hole all have in common?

They’re all Tall Tales beers, first of all, and they’ll all be available at Shore Craft Beer Fest: Love on Tap at Seacrets on FeBREWary 23rd. Candy Kitchen was brewed in collaboration with Ocean City’s iconic candy shop, and is possibly the sweetest beer you’ll find on tap at the annual beer festival. It’s a […]
Drink craft beer this month, win a vacation in Ocean City

We say it all the time, but FeBREWary really IS our favorite time of year for beer on the Eastern Shore. It’s Craft Beer Lovers Month in Maryland, and even though you’re more than allowed to love beer March through January too, we really go all out celebrating good, local beer this month. FeBREWary About […]
Five Fun Facts About Shore Breweries (and how you can prepare for FeBREWary Trivia Night at Hopper’s)

Maryland’s official month-long month dedicated to celebrating all things craft beer, FeBREWary, launches on the Shore on Feb. 1 with a special Trivia Night at Hopper’s Tap House in Salisbury (find details down below). In honor of FeBREWary, local beer, and brewery-related trivia, here are a few fun facts about some of your favorite Shore […]
Shore Craft Beer, Delmarva Public Radio to Kick Off Craft Beer Lovers’ Month at Town Throwdown Trivia Night

To kick off Maryland’s official month-long celebration of craft beer, “FeBREWary,” Shore Craft Beer and Delmarva Public Radio (DPR) will host a special Trivia Night at Hopper’s Tap House, 1400 S. Salisbury Blvd., in Salisbury, MD on Friday, February 1, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. The public is invited to vie with representatives from towns and breweries […]
Shore Craft Literature: Your FeBREWary reading

Welcome to the library. Here, we’re compiling resources for all things FeBREWary in Maryland and, specifically, on the Shore. We’ll be adding more as more stories are published throughout the month. FeBREWary happenings on the Shore FeBREWary events planned to promote craft beer trend – By Kara Hallissey (Feb. 2, 2018) Throughout this month, a […]
Local artists and local beer kick off the Art League’s exhibits this FeBREWary

Art and beer make a fantastic pairing. The Ocean City Center for the Arts is helping us kick off FeBREWary this year by featuring local craft beer at their monthly First Friday reception. The public is invited to meet the artists and sample the local beer at the free opening reception on February’s First Friday, […]
Craft Beer Love Stories 2018: Love at First Sip

It’s not quite FeBREWary yet, but we’re already feeling the spirit of Craft Beer Lovers Month (it’s basically a year-round holiday for us) and have loved reading the craft beer love stories you’ve submitted. Here’s three that tell the tale of when someone realized that craft beer might just be the love of their life. […]
All of our FeBREWary giveaways in one place

Because the month of FeBREWary is so awesome, we have three giveaways going on and ample chances for you to win weekend reservations, Love on Tap tickets, restaurant and brewery gift certificates and even a limousine ride. Are you overwhelmed yet? So were we, which is why we decided that we should put all of […]
When did you fall in love with craft beer?

Love is in the air. Almost, anyway. If you haven’t heard, FeBREWary is coming up, and even if it seems a little early to be getting all excited about it, there’s a lot going down this year. Like every year, there will be giveaways and hotel packages and beer pairing specials around town and Shore […]
3rd annual FeBREWary launch to toast Love on Tap and Ocean City’s first beer challenge

Shore Craft Beer Lovers month, also known as FeBREWary, will get an early start on the Shore this year with a launch party and press event at the Clarion Resort from 4 – 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 17. The event provides an opportunity for brewers and beer lovers from all over the Shore to […]