Making it about the craft

For me, drinking craft beer is more about the craft than about the beer, but every now and again I’m reminded that beer is alcoholic and that people drink it with the aim of getting drunk. That’s not to say that I don’t occasionally end up drunk, or at least a little buzzed, only to […]
Let’s talk about #Craftbeer

Over the last few weeks, a bunch of stuff has happened in the craft beer world, as well as within the homebrewing world. Teach Someone to Brew day went off pretty well at Xtreme Brewing this week, a couple of couples were in learning the ins and outs of brewing. More people drifted in as […]
Because sometimes eye of the ‘beerholder’ is an appropriate phrase

The only thing that I like less than bad cliches is when they’re turned into bad puns. This week, however, we’re going to roll that disposition back and accept that the people who are touching the beer know mostly what they’re doing. Why you should homebrew You really ought to come to a class. There’s […]
Fun with beers and tastes

We’re homebrew heavy this week, mostly because I found a cool cache of homebrew articles. Also, we want to remind you that we’ll be sampling homebrew beers at this weekend’s Shore Craft Beer Fest. The exciting thing about that, if you’re into exclusivity, is that they will be the only beers you literally can’t buy […]
Five Things – A Conversation with Chef Brenton Wallace

In this column, we explore a few existential questions with Chef Brenton Wallace, owner of Crust and Craft in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Q. What was the beer that started you drinking craft beer? A: Bells Two Hearted back in 2005. Monks in Philadelphia had it on draft and I was there and wanted something different. […]
Worcester County embraces craft beer culture

For the second year in a row, Ocean City, Berlin and Worcester County governments all have named October Shore Craft Beer month. It isn’t just exciting to those of us who love craft beer. What is important about the continuing civic support of local beer is that it is a signal that local leadership is […]
Hanging out, making beer

Oktoberfest is over in Munich, but here in the more literal-minded U.S. we’re going to keep celebrating Octoberfest for the rest of the month. There are beer festivals pretty much every weekend from here on out including (probably) the Good Beer Festival this weekend, the Snow Hill Octoberfest next weekend and, of course the Shore Craft […]
Proclamations are just the start at Shore Craft Beer Month kicks off

This week Berlin announced that October once again would be recognized as Shore Craft Beer month, just in time for the inaugural Berlin Crab Feast, featuring local beers (I personally am looking forward to trying out the Blue Crab Stout brewed with crabs). Next week, Ocean City and Worcester County are going to follow suit, […]
Celebrating four years of 3rd Wave

According to the absolute first Google search return, fruit and flowers are the appropriate gift for the fourth anniversary. I’m sure they were referring to wedding anniversaries, but the idea, the internet said, behind fruit and flowers is in the hope and support of fertility and renewal. That was enough to register it as a […]
Will pot take a bite out of craft beer?

Last week, a Market Watch editorial took a shot at Boston Beer Co. and a PAC of Mass. distributors for working to block a bill legalizing recreational marijuana in Massachusetts. The editorial says this is a wrongheaded move because the distributors are crooked (being recently convicted of a pay-to-play scam) and Sam Adams is already losing […]
Beer Institute and Brewers Association get closer on national tax reform

Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act Reaches 51 Senate Co-Sponsors United States Senators Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) became the 50th and 51st Senators to officially endorse the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act (S. 1562). This comprehensive and bipartisan bill enjoys wide support from the brewing industry and seeks to […]
Beer shipments up in August

Does less volume mean more better beer? I’d like to think so. People who are smarter than I will be pouring over the real number implications, but on the face of it brewers shipped a little less beer so far this year, with pumpkin-beer-buying August showing one of the biggest jumps of all. This is from the […]