This is what a Craft Beer destination looks like

The Eastern Shore is a craft beer destination not because most bars here serve rare craft beers, but because they serve local craft beers. When I started covering the Ocean City HMRA show a decade ago there were two beer bars, and they always were packed. I collected bottle caps at the time and was […]
It Takes Two: Craft Beer Love stories

In the summer of 2015, we discovered the Shore Craft Beer challenges via a pamphlet my husband picked up for me at 3rd Wave Brewery. This is significant because not only does my husband drink very little, and drink no beer, he doesn’t even like beer. So it was purely with me in mind that […]
Celebrating four years of 3rd Wave

According to the absolute first Google search return, fruit and flowers are the appropriate gift for the fourth anniversary. I’m sure they were referring to wedding anniversaries, but the idea, the internet said, behind fruit and flowers is in the hope and support of fertility and renewal. That was enough to register it as a […]
Finding the right space: 3rd Wave Brewing

3rd Wave Sandstorm Belgian Tripel with Apricot Stilton

This is a continuation of a blog about the Shore Craft Beer Talk and Tasting held at the Clarion Fountainebleu in early 2016. When Belgian Tripels are done well you can’t really taste the alcohol, even when the beer is in the 9 percent range, as Sandstorm is. Broadly speaking tastings are fun when they […]
A Last-minute Gift Guide for the Beer Lovers on Your List

It just hit me that we’re well into the 12 days of Christmas and I have figured out exactly zero of my gift giving plans. I love the holidays and while waiting till the last minute doesn’t make me a humbug, I’ll be the first to admit, it does produce a bit of self-inflicted stress. […]
Great things are brewing

Generally I hate beer puns and “Good things are brewing” is among my least favorite, but there is so much going on I couldn’t resist. In fact, rather than one comprehensive post, I thought a bunch of brief updates would be more appropriate. This will be and has been a busy week in Shore Craft Beer soso stay tuned […]
Breweries are economic engines

I’ve been writing about the economic development aspect of beer for a long time and sometimes it is easy to forget that not everyone is aware of how critical a part of the local economy craft beer has become, but there is an aspect beyond pure economic development that doesn’t get talked about much. Real […]
Riding the 3rd Wave of success, May 20, 2015, by Anthony Towey What do surfing, pizza making, science degrees, and brewing beer have in common? Not much. But 3rd Wave Brewing Company, Delmarva’s first and only all-woman owned brewery may not be here without all three. Like many of us who grow up on the Delmarva Peninsula, Lori Clough and […]
3rd Wave bottles and its great

I’m going to come right out and say it: I’m a beer conservative. Fast growth makes me wary. Like most conservatives I have what I consider a rational fear of change and worry whether new wrinkles are ill- or well-conceived and if they will force me to make changes in my life I rather would […]
Packaging, the final frontier
I’m going to come right out and say it: I’m a beer conservative. Fast growth makes me wary. Like most conservatives I have what I consider a rational fear of change and worry whether new wrinkles are ill- or well-conceived and if they will force me to make changes in my life I rather would […]
Craft Beer Women and Gender-free Beer
OK It’s been a lot longer than I wanted it to be since I checked in, but I had what I thought (until recently) was an excellent reason: women. I have some personal biases I’d like to share. I’m the father of four daughters and, maybe as a result (but also possibly because of my […]