
Although it isn’t a done deal yet, women increasingly are taking to craft beer. This has as much to do with the evolving perception of craft beer as it does the lifestyle that is attached to it for many. Introducing them to brewing merely is the next step.


Language is culture. I think it is amusing that the government still involves itself in dirty words in a world where there are some pretty horrible things in real life and anyone with a phone has access to pretty much anything graphic (including language).

You feel like it had to happen sooner or later. The economy of scale is just too attractive for places that can afford the price of admission.

In festival news, the Salisbury Shore Craft Beer Fest and Riverwalk Celebration got approved this week, which means we’re officially good to go. The next day the sun came out long enough to allow Tony to get a couple of photos in the sun and replace the dreary ones. Also, we’re looking for volunteers. If you’re interested, contact Tony through the SCB Facebook page.


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