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In this week’s show Doug and Tony talk about the results of the recent all-grain homebrew event, how Love on Tap went at Seacrets, as well as national and regional beer news and commentary.

Homebrew topic of the week

I just tasted the Rauchbier we did last weekend at the All grain demonstration! for those who couldn’t make it. We did a…

Posted by Xtreme Brewing – Beer and Wine Making Supplies on Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Love on Tap

The beer event at Seacrets was a massive success attracting hundreds of people to the region just to try some of the local beer. The weather didn’t hurt, but I got the impression many of these people would have come anyway.

Some behind the scenes observations about what made Love on Tap so much fun.

Posted by ShoreCraftBeer.com on Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Exporting God’s favorite beer

Or one of them, anyway.
This is a nice story and I know that people are really, really excited that they will be able to try this beer without traveling to Italy. Although, traveling to Italy sounds like another great way to get the beer. I love this quote from the story though:
“A brewer has to have always a little bit of hope. It’s not just for his enjoyment, but to share with others.”
It is interesting to note that they’re making this beer 10 barrels at a time, which means demand is going to skyrocket, even though I don’t see them expanding or moving to a more brewery-friendly area. Since I try and drink beer as close to the source as possible, I’ll go ahead and hold out for my trip to Italy to try this beer, unless someone wants to give me some…

Brew, pray, drink.

Posted by ShoreCraftBeer.com on Friday, February 19, 2016


Girl Scout Cookie pairing

The number of people who sent me a copy of this is flattering. Several people also said something at Shore Craft Beer Fest: Love on Tap since Fordham had the Thin Mint beer there.


Budweiser conundrum

This story has been rewritten since it was posted but the upshot is that it would allow beer in grocery stores and disallow self-distribution. It’s weird that Budweiser is fighting that, since they have had plenty of success spinning off distributors before. Ending self-distribution for brewers could be in Budweiser’s long-term interest. In the short term, they’re worried about losing people who are content to drink the Prohibition-era 3.2 percent beer they’re slinging. That certainly isn’t a craft beer concern.

The enemy of my enemy? Weirdly Budweiser might be in the right, here. Unfortunately, since Oklahoma is so Oklahoma-y,…

Posted by Beer with Strangers on Friday, February 19, 2016

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