The Blood Bank of Delmarva’s third annual Blood for a Brew Summer Tour picks up steam in July with three blood drives scheduled this week and three more next week.
Blood for a Brew is BBD’s summerlong sip-n-save program to save lives in collaboration with our favorite local breweries. Present to donate at your favorite participating brewery and get a free T-shirt plus a chance to win a $50 brewery gift card.

The summer period from Memorial Day through Labor Day is a challenging time for collecting blood with school blood drives out of session, ongoing family vacations and the holidays. Encouraging blood donations during this difficult summer period is essential to meeting the needs of patients in our community. This is why our 3rd Annual Blood for a Brew Campaign is so critical to raise awareness on the need for blood and to encourage new blood donors to step-up and save a life.

For the third straight year TD Bank has sponsored Blood for a Brew.

“The need for blood never takes a vacation,” BBD Vice President Emily Cunningham said. “Our focus this summer and next school year is to get as many first timers through the doors as we can, turning them into lifelong blood donors who will remember to take the time to donate on a regular basis.”
BBD Director, Donor Resources Nicole Pineault and Account Manager Gia Rivera are focused on adding appointments to our Liquid Alchemy blood drive in Wilmington this Friday. That drive has 29 appointments available. Meanwhile, Crooked Hammock in Middletown filled 31 of 40 appointments on Monday while Two Stones Pub in Newark has filled up 32 of 40 appointments for its drive set for Friday.

Click here for a full list of participating breweries, with dates.
Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. According to America’s Blood Centers, 62 percent of the population is eligible to donate, but only 3 percent of that group donates.
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About Blood Bank of Delmarva: Founded in 1954, Blood Bank of Delmarva is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) community blood bank with a simple mission: saving lives. The Blood Bank of Delmarva, a division of NYBCe, achieves its mission every day by providing safe blood and blood products to all 19 hospitals in Delmarva and relies on over 80,000 volunteer blood donors each year to ensure patients’ needs are met. The Blood Bank of Delmarva distributes over 130,000 blood products annually and operates four donor centers. Each year, the Blood Bank of Delmarva normally hosts over 600 blood drives. These blood drives would not be possible without the commitment of community organizations that volunteer to serve as sponsors or coordinators, which provides opportunities for blood donors to give blood and help patients in need. BBD is a New York Blood Center Enterprises affiliate and a member of AABB and ABC. For more information, please visit or follow us at
NEW YORK BLOOD CENTER ENTERPRISES/NEW YORK BLOOD CENTER was founded in 1964, New York Blood Center Enterprises (NYBCe) is one of the largest nonprofit, independent, community blood centers in the world. Along with partner organizations Blood Bank of Delmarva (BBD), Community Blood Center of Kansas City (CBC), Connecticut Blood Center (CTBC), Memorial Blood Centers (MBC), Nebraska Community Blood Bank (NCBB), and Rhode Island Blood Center (RIBC), we collect approximately 4,000 units of blood products each day and serve communities approaching 50 million people in the tri-state area (NY, NJ, CT), mid-Atlantic area (PA, DE, MD), Kansas City metropolitan area, Minnesota, Nebraska, Rhode Island, and Southern New England. NYBCe delivers lifesaving blood products and services as well as clinical, medical, pharmaceutical, testing, and consultative services to over 600 hospitals and dozens of research organizations, academic institutions, and biomedical companies. Among other milestones, our Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute pioneered the Hepatitis B vaccine and patented a solvent detergent plasma process, innovating blood-purification technology worldwide.