A Beer For All Seasons, Winter

It’s wintertime here in Ocean City, MD, and that means seasonal beers from our Shore Craft family of beers. After you read this, hopefully you’ll have a beer for all seasons, featuring winter. Let’s take a look at a sampling of the best seasonal offerings from our local Shore Craft Beer brewers. A Critical Hit, […]
Saturday Suds: 8 Local Holiday Craft Beers

Local Holiday Craft Beer Time The holidays and December mean only one thing-great local holiday craft beer from local brewers and Shorcraftbeer.com! What’s your favorite local seasonal beer for the holidays? Check out some of the releases from our very own breweries right here in our backyard! Evolution Craft Brewing Company Secret Spot Alt Ale, […]
The Tea on Shore Craft Beer, Week of 12/14

We’re back, Shore Craft Beer-birds, with another edition of “The Tea on Shore Craft Beer, Week of 12/14.” This week, we had/have a few different events from some of our favorite local brewers in Ocean City, the Eastern Shore, and greater Delmarva. Check out the tea on Shore Craft Beer, week of 12/14 below! Evolution […]
Saturday Suds: Beer Mac and Cheese
Beer Mac and Cheese: A Delicious Football Meal Welcome to the December 12th edition of Saturday Suds! This week, we’ll be featuring a recipe made by the local culinary talent who is consistently mentioned in this column. Maybe some day we will be able to reveal their identity, but for now, that identity will remain […]
The Tea on Shorecraft Beer, Week of 12/7/20
Welcome to “The Tea on Shore Craft Beer,” our weekly roundup of Delmarva brewery events, happenings, and goings-on! This column will be featured weekly and published each Friday to let you know the tea on our amazing Delmarva breweries. Check out the weekly roundup for the week starting Monday, 12/7. Evolution Craft Brewing Co., Salisbury, […]