[podcast] This week Doug and Tony discuss why you should get into brewing, especially as it relates to the ways homebrewing helps you enjoy beer. Other stories they cover include in the rise of the maltster, and, in deference to March Women in Brewing.

Getting started in homebrewing

Every now and then we like to remind people how easy it is to begin brewing. It seems as if people take it up in waves as their reticence to learn something new is overcome by their desire to get into this awesome hobby.

Brewing beer is a hobby that is exploding across gender and class lines. It's mostly about having fun and hanging out.

Posted by Annapolis.com on Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Beer Flavored Beer

The best part about homebrewing is it really can improve your palate and help you enjoy beer more. Imagine a world where you can appreciate (as they say in the attached story) the subtleties of a Pale Ale, not everything has to be a huge sour.

It's hard to believe that Homebrew Clubs are new to London, I think they're just new to the writer. That said one of the…

Posted by Beer with Strangers on Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Craft malt for craft beer

True, craft beer has to deal with AB Inbev, but craft maltsters eventually might have to take on oil companies, which is a whole other league…

I don't know if I told you, but Tony Russo wrote a book about how maltsters were critical to colonial beer and life. It…

Posted by Beer with Strangers on Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Women in Brewing

I did a couple of features last March on women in brewing but quickly realized that brewing still is a meritocracy. That’s great for the industry as well as for the individuals who want to participate in it.

I love this headline. I guess they're in the top two beer loving genders.

Posted by ShoreCraftBeer.com on Wednesday, March 9, 2016

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