It’s not something you think about too often, but if you’ve ever sat at a bar, kind of bored, watching the bubbles in your beer, you might have wondered where that pint glass originated.

ACS Brand My Beverage is one company in Baltimore that produces a whole lot of glasses for breweries on the Shore, throughout Maryland and across the U.S. On Tuesday, supporters of Reform on Tap, who ranged from homebrewers to brewery owners, were invited to tour the ACS warehouse with Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot.

Take a look at the video below to see where your favorite mixing glasses, tequila shooters and Shore Craft Beer festival glasses are screenprinted.

After the tour, Franchot said a few words about Reform on Tap and the future of craft brewing laws in Maryland.

“We’re going to be the number one state in the country, and we have just begun the fight. I want to personally guarantee everyone that’s involved in this industry, we are going to succeed next year in the legislature, in getting rid of those antiquated laws that stand in the way of our wonderful craft beer.

And we’re going to have a victory that everyone can claim ownership of down the road. It’s going to make Maryland the go-to state for young people and entrepreneurial people and innovative people for the decades to come.

I’m not upset at all with the situation in Annapolis because we have elections coming up. We’re going to get some politicians down there that are more responsive to the citizens, and we’re going to do the right thing by the state of Maryland.

Keith Walcott, the marketing director of this great company, helped us immensely with our task force. We’re going to be back next year bigger, better, bolder, stronger, and I just want to put the Annapolis bosses on notice. We’re coming. And trust me, this idea that the old guards are going to stand in front of the progress of America, and put their hand up and say “no” — that’s over.”

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