Last weekend, I had the pleasure of hanging out at Xtreme during the “Drink Your Wheaties” competition, an event that challenged the homebrewers to make a beer that was at least 51 percent wheat. The winners were as follows:

1st PlaceTom Ahmann – Kettle Soured Gose
2nd Place Todd Lester – Tropical Wheat
3rd Place Tim Gavigan – Belgian Strong Wheat Ale
The event was judged by beer professionals from 3rd Wave, Fin City, Mispillion and Tall Tales as well as by Delmarva United Homebrewers club members of the Beer Judge Certification Program. Participating in competitions is less about which beers are the best and more about how a brewer can improve their beer. Working from a point system, the judges let them know where they succeeded and where they fell short. Or, at least, the scores reflect how the beer tasted when compared to the style (in this case “wheat”). If the homebrewer loves the beer, he or she can see how it rates when compared to the general style.

In other news, I hope to try and produce at least one commentary style post each week on beer news. This week I chose to go with this story about whether and if to use “Mouthfeel.” The short answer is, just don’t be a jerk and everything will be cool.

Tastes Great Less Filling?

It’s hard not to sound like a sexist and a conspiracy theorist at the same time, but this is a weird coincidence as women increasingly are choosing or at least trying craft beer in greater numbers. Craft beer does tend to have more calories, but also better calories if you’ve got a problem with corn syrup.

Great American Beer Festival

In fewer than three months the Great American Beer Festival kicks off in Colorado. I’ve never been, but am pretty sure I’ll go before too many more years pass. I worry that when I start taking beercations that will be the end of everything.

The fight continues

It’s unfortunate, but getting beer names and brewery names (and the attendant websites and social media handles) has become a critical part of opening a brewery and likely is just part of the culture now.

Cooking with Beer

I don’t succeed in finding a recipe every week, but I found one this week and it looks tasty.

AI Beer

Beer news isn’t too different from food news, and tasting bots have been around for awhile. In this article from last year, computers put together recipes based on taste principles. Some were bizarre some were pretty cool. Similarly, BeerSmith homebrewing software has been helping perfect recipes for years. You feel as if this is just the next step.

A few fun things to talk about if we have the time

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