Chincoteague: The Perfect Island for a Perfect Beer Festival

Last year was only our first Shore Craft Beer Fest: Chincoteague, but the day was just so perfect that we had to do it again. (And hopefully again and again and again until the end of time.) If you’ve ever been to a beer festival in mid-spring, you know that it’s the perfect time of […]

Beer Watch: While mainstream beer sales decline, craft industry grows

Beer Watch March

There’s a lot going on in the worlds of both craft and mainstream beer this month, from new numbers on 2017 production to a tariff that could impact breweries across the United States. Here’s your March Beer Watch. Craft industry is growing, but slowing down Small and Independent Brewers See Sustained Growth in 2017 Boulder, […]

A look inside the first brewery on Virginia’s Eastern Shore

BL and I trekked out to Chincoteague as soon as we heard that Black Narrows Brewing Co. was finally open. We’d been anticipating it for awhile; after meeting owners Jenna and Josh Chapman and sampling some of their beers at MARSHFest over the summer, we were practically counting down the days til their brewery in […]

The Art of the Beer Pairing (and what to expect at Friday’s beer dinner)

The art of the beer pairing Craft beer is increasingly acknowledged for exactly what it is: a craft. Just like cooking can be considered a form of art, the process of brewing, experimenting with barley, yeast, hops and everything else you can add to a beer from nuts to chocolate to vegetables, takes a creative […]

Beer, tourism and Maryland’s economy: Why we support Reform on Tap

Lately we’ve been publishing and sharing a lot on Reform on Tap, otherwise known as House Bill 518. For the record (if you just happened across this article and are totally unfamiliar with Shore Craft Beer), we support HB 518 wholeheartedly. As a business that exists to support all the tourism-related businesses that can benefit from […]

Shore Craft Literature: Your FeBREWary reading

Welcome to the library. Here, we’re compiling resources for all things FeBREWary in Maryland and, specifically, on the Shore. We’ll be adding more as more stories are published throughout the month. FeBREWary happenings on the Shore FeBREWary events planned to promote craft beer trend – By Kara Hallissey (Feb. 2, 2018) Throughout this month, a […]

Local artists and local beer kick off the Art League’s exhibits this FeBREWary

Art League Febrewary

Art and beer make a fantastic pairing. The Ocean City Center for the Arts is helping us kick off FeBREWary this year by featuring local craft beer at their monthly First Friday reception. The public is invited to meet the artists and sample the local beer at the free opening reception on February’s First Friday, […]

Craft Beer Love Stories 2018: Love at First Sip

It’s not quite FeBREWary yet, but we’re already feeling the spirit of Craft Beer Lovers Month (it’s basically a year-round holiday for us) and have loved reading the craft beer love stories you’ve submitted. Here’s three that tell the tale of when someone realized that craft beer might just be the love of their life. […]

All of our FeBREWary giveaways in one place

Because the month of FeBREWary is so awesome, we have three giveaways going on and ample chances for you to win weekend reservations, Love on Tap tickets, restaurant and brewery gift certificates and even a limousine ride. Are you overwhelmed yet? So were we, which is why we decided that we should put all of […]

Love on Tap Sweepstakes – by Worcester County and Shore Craft Beer

FeBREWary is Craft Beer Lovers Month across the State of Maryland and across the Shore. In celebration, many bars, restaurants, and breweries are hosting events focused on our locally produced world class beer. Worcester County has joined up with Shore Craft Beer to celebrate not only our world class beer, but also our world class […]

Help us Get Craft Beer Legislation Changed in Maryland

Calling all Marylanders… Please sign the petition to support craft beer! The Comptroller of Maryland, Peter Franchot, used his Reform on Tap Task Force to review and recommend changes to modernize the laws in the State of Maryland to support the craft brewing industry. Maryland trails surrounding states in laws governing craft brewers, both production […]