Drink Beer Now, Win a Spring Trip to the SCB Chincoteague festival!
I Love This Beer!
We’ve been poking around breweries and bars all over the Shore to talk to people who go directly to the source for their favorite beer, we collect the videos and post them to our SCB YouTube page (where we also put other stuff). We can’t be everywhere, though. If you wanna make your own “I […]
FeBREWary gets an early start on the Shore
More than 50 people gathered at The Globe in Berlin last week for the kickoff of Shore Craft Beer Lovers Month here on the shore and to celebrate the fact that Gov. Larry Hogan would be announcing the beginning of the second annual FeBREWary: Maryland Craft Beer Lovers Month. Sen. Jim Mathias joined brewers from […]
Love on Tap Happy Hour Specials
Chapter 2: Four beach romance stories
The latest installment in our recurring “Craft Beer Love Stories” series features our favorite submitted stories and photos this week, starting with a tale of beach romance. If you have a craft beer love story and wish to tell it, why not enter here for a chance to win lots of cool prizes including a […]
Win tickets and a hotel room for Love on Tap at Seacrets!
Win a hotel stay and tickets to Love on Tap for Saturday, Feb. 25 by sharing your Shore Craft Beer love story. How did you fall in love with Craft Beer on Delmarva? Better yet, how did you fall in love OVER one of our fine craft beers? We’ll republish the best stories right here […]
Worcester County embraces craft beer culture
For the second year in a row, Ocean City, Berlin and Worcester County governments all have named October Shore Craft Beer month. It isn’t just exciting to those of us who love craft beer. What is important about the continuing civic support of local beer is that it is a signal that local leadership is […]
Proclamations are just the start at Shore Craft Beer Month kicks off
This week Berlin announced that October once again would be recognized as Shore Craft Beer month, just in time for the inaugural Berlin Crab Feast, featuring local beers (I personally am looking forward to trying out the Blue Crab Stout brewed with crabs). Next week, Ocean City and Worcester County are going to follow suit, […]
Celebrating four years of 3rd Wave
According to the absolute first Google search return, fruit and flowers are the appropriate gift for the fourth anniversary. I’m sure they were referring to wedding anniversaries, but the idea, the internet said, behind fruit and flowers is in the hope and support of fertility and renewal. That was enough to register it as a […]
Understanding anti-craft beer rage
Rommel Harley Davidson made a bold move when they decided to have a Local Beer Only beer garden at this year’s Delmarva Bike Week festivities in Seaford. It was consistent with the company’s overall attitude of emphasizing buying American and, for the most part, was received that way. The bikers who came to the beer tent mostly were excited about […]
Beer Garden rolls into Seaford
Delmarva Bike Week draws thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts from all over the country to enjoy trips along the region’s scenic back roads and world class beaches, experience local culture and gather at different rally points. This year, events take place at Winterplace Park and Shorebirds Stadium in Salisbury all weekend, but the main event is […]