Dominion Morning Glory Espresso Stout with Stilton

two guys

This is a continuation of a blog about the Shore Craft Beer Talk and Tasting held at the Clarion Fountainebleu in early 2016. I love Morning Glory Espresso Stour because the coffee beans and hops work as a team for a mellow bitterness that is even further tempered by the malt. That’s what gives it a […]

Fin City Capitano’s Winter Stout with Smoked Cheddar

Fin City

This is a continuation of a blog about the Shore Craft Beer Talk and Tasting held at the Clarion Fountainebleu in early 2016. First (and this may or may not be news to you) most people can’t get Capitano’s Winter Stout. OK If you count Asia most people can’t get craft beer, but I’m making […]

Mispillion Space Otter with Red Dragon cheese

Mispillion River Brewing

This is a continuation of a blog about the Shore Craft Beer Talk and Tasting held at the Clarion Fountainebleu in early 2016. Red Dragon cheese? Is that really a thing? Yes, and it is an awesome thing. Just as with the Maytag Cheese this selection was off my radar and, as many other people said, […]

Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale with Smoked Gouda

Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale with Smoked Gouda

This is a continuation of a blog about the Shore Craft Beer Talk and Tasting held at the Clarion Fountainebleu in early 2016. I was really excited to see this pairing on the list because the Indian Brown is one of my favorites. Not only is it a really accessible beer, it is one of […]

Assawoman Angry Clown Brown Ale with Maytag Blue Cheese

Angry Clown

This is a continuation of a blog about the Shore Craft Beer Talk and Tasting held at the Clarion Fountainebleu in early 2016. The difficulty here is both to not oversell the cheese and not undersell the beer. Maytag Blue Cheese is better described on this link, but I’ll say it has almost the consistency of […]

Tall Tales Paul Bunyan Strong Ale with Roquefort

Eric Camper

This is a continuation of a blog about the Shore Craft Beer Talk and Tasting held at the Clarion Fountainebleu in early 2016. Eric Camper, the head brewer at Tall Tales, has been hard at work re-imagining the Paul Bunyan Strong Ale for wider distribution and hit upon the right combination between the beer and […]

Evo Crystal Row American Strong Ale with Gouda

pouring beer fast

This is a continuation of a blog about the Shore Craft Beer Talk and Tasting held at the Clarion Fountainebleu in early 2016. I so was looking forward to trying Crystal Row, which I head Evo has been tinkering with since they were in Delmar (which is where I live, but I’m still a good […]

3rd Wave Sandstorm Belgian Tripel with Apricot Stilton

sandstorm beer

This is a continuation of a blog about the Shore Craft Beer Talk and Tasting held at the Clarion Fountainebleu in early 2016. When Belgian Tripels are done well you can’t really taste the alcohol, even when the beer is in the 9 percent range, as Sandstorm is.  Broadly speaking tastings are fun when they […]

A Visit to Realerevival Brewing (aka RaR)

Welcome to RaR Brewing! Keeping it Local, Keeping it Reale. RaR Brewing opened its doors in the summer of 2013 in downtown Cambridge, MD. Locals Chris Browhan and James Merryweather, buddies since high school, started their RaR adventures as home brewers and now are producing beers right there on Poplar Street where the old pool […]

Crooked Hammock Brewery serves up summertime fun

Crooked Hammock

A Watering Hole for Locals and Shoobies Alike I actually lived in Lewes, Delaware for a minute several years ago. I loved it. It was a wintertime stint; a quiet spell in a community that bursts at the seams with sun- and fun-seeking folk. Many shops and restaurants close during the winter months when tourists […]

A Last-minute Gift Guide for the Beer Lovers on Your List

It just hit me that we’re well into the 12 days of Christmas and I have figured out exactly zero of my gift giving plans. I love the holidays and while waiting till the last minute doesn’t make me a humbug, I’ll be the first to admit, it does produce a bit of self-inflicted stress. […]