Third Annual Blood for a Brew Tour Summer Tour to Host Additional Blood Drives in July
The Blood Bank of Delmarva’s third annual Blood for a Brew Summer Tour picks up steam in July with three blood drives scheduled this week and three more next week. Blood for a Brew is BBD’s summerlong sip-n-save program to save lives in collaboration with our favorite local breweries. Present to donate at your favorite participating […]
In the company of Dewey Beer Company (in photos)
Nestled just south of Rehoboth is Dewey Beach, a small, seaside Delaware town that’s home to none-other than Dewey Beer Company. Like many modern microbreweries, Dewey Beer Company boasts a wooden storefront accompanied by a very wooden interior. Fire hazards aside, I found this to be a very comforting environment on the frigid April evening […]
Brewpubs are reshaping beach towns
I thought it was busy at the Dewey Beer Company and, I guess, for the uninitiated it looked that way. But there were seats to be had and no wait for tables on a Friday afternoon, which in August just means there’s a lull. Another way to tell there’s a lull in the action is […]