In the company of Dewey Beer Company (in photos)

Nestled just south of Rehoboth is Dewey Beach, a small, seaside Delaware town that’s home to none-other than Dewey Beer Company. Like many modern microbreweries, Dewey Beer Company boasts a wooden storefront accompanied by a very wooden interior. Fire hazards aside, I found this to be a very comforting environment on the frigid April evening […]
What you can (still) do to support Reform on Tap

Cover image: Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot shares a toast with Reform on Tap supporters at Crooked Crab Brewing Co. in Odenton April 18. The bill that had been proposed to deregulate Maryland’s archaic brewery laws was rejected by the Economic Matters Committee on March 19. It’s the end of a chapter, but as far as […]
Chincoteague’s Black Narrows Brewing Co. is as local as local gets

“There’s always places that you keep coming back to because you feel connected to them,” said Black Narrows co-owner Jenna Chapman. “Chincoteague always called us home.” Jenna co-founded Black Narrows with her husband Josh Chapman, and her parents Wendy and Bob Huntley are the brewery owners. They’re not exactly ‘teaguers (for non-teaguers, that means native […]
Not your average liquor store: Inside Pitt Stop Beer & Wine

Pitt Stop Beer & Wine is very, very far from your everyday liquor store. Its name implies that the customer is running in for a six-pack and will be out in five minutes, tops. That’s possible, sure, but most customers walking through the shop’s doors soon realize they won’t be running out anytime soon. Where […]
Bringing Virginia’s Top Breweries to the Shore

We love our local breweries here on Delmarva. However, we wouldn’t be able to advertise our upcoming beer festival in Chincoteague as a totally keepin’-it-local experience if we didn’t bring in breweries from all over Virginia. Our featured brewery at the April 28 festival is Black Narrows, Chincoteague’s first craft brewery that first opened its […]
Ever wonder where your pint glasses come from?

It’s not something you think about too often, but if you’ve ever sat at a bar, kind of bored, watching the bubbles in your beer, you might have wondered where that pint glass originated. ACS Brand My Beverage is one company in Baltimore that produces a whole lot of glasses for breweries on the Shore, […]
Hoppily Ever After: How to Brew Your Own Wedding Beer

DIY is all the rage in the wedding scene these days, and that’s a very good thing. It could be due to the rise of Pinterest, or the less-than-accommodating financial reality for young couples, or the fact that making your own stuff is just cool — but regardless, the motto for many soon-to-be newlyweds is […]
Chincoteague: The Perfect Island for a Perfect Beer Festival

Last year was only our first Shore Craft Beer Fest: Chincoteague, but the day was just so perfect that we had to do it again. (And hopefully again and again and again until the end of time.) If you’ve ever been to a beer festival in mid-spring, you know that it’s the perfect time of […]
Beer Watch: While mainstream beer sales decline, craft industry grows

There’s a lot going on in the worlds of both craft and mainstream beer this month, from new numbers on 2017 production to a tariff that could impact breweries across the United States. Here’s your March Beer Watch. Craft industry is growing, but slowing down Small and Independent Brewers See Sustained Growth in 2017 Boulder, […]
Crooked Hammock to release highly-anticipated Hand of Buddha on March 23

Lewes, DE — Even as the Shore gets pummeled with a wintry mix of rain, snow and high winds well into the first week of spring, Crooked Hammock is looking forward to warmer weather with the second-year release of their spring seasonal. Hand of Buddha Cream Ale will be released on March 23 at 5 […]
A look inside the first brewery on Virginia’s Eastern Shore

BL and I trekked out to Chincoteague as soon as we heard that Black Narrows Brewing Co. was finally open. We’d been anticipating it for awhile; after meeting owners Jenna and Josh Chapman and sampling some of their beers at MARSHFest over the summer, we were practically counting down the days til their brewery in […]
The Art of the Beer Pairing (and what to expect at Friday’s beer dinner)

The art of the beer pairing Craft beer is increasingly acknowledged for exactly what it is: a craft. Just like cooking can be considered a form of art, the process of brewing, experimenting with barley, yeast, hops and everything else you can add to a beer from nuts to chocolate to vegetables, takes a creative […]