Another good news story in today’s environment comes from the Other Half Brewing Company in Brooklyn, New York.  Today, on Beer Notes we are discussing “All Together” IPA.

If you go to, you will find a love letter from Other Half Brewing Co.   This is a letter to the hospitality industry from one brewing company in an area hard hit by coronavirus.  It is addressed to the breweries of the world and it encourages every one of them to join in an “open-ended beer collaboration created to raise support for the industry we love so much.”

“The recipe is open source, the artwork is public, the name is yours to use. “ So goes the invitation to all breweries to make a beer and sell it so that a portion of the proceeds can go to supporting hospitality professionals in each brewery’s community. The rest should go to keeping each brewery in business during this age of social distancing.

Other Half Brewing is donating proceeds to the Restaurant Workers Community Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to helping those in the hospitality industry who are struggling. also has a letter to beer drinkers of the world asking for support for all breweries and this new All Together beer.  The recipe is online.  The labels are downloadable.  As of this writing, 448 breweries in 40 states and 29 countries have signed on to participate. 

Hopefully in a few weeks, we can all access this beer, a product of a community love story.  Cheers to All Together, the people behind this effort , and to the hospitality workers it supports.

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