Saturday Suds: Beer Mac and Cheese

Beer Mac and Cheese: A Delicious Football Meal Welcome to the December 12th edition of Saturday Suds! This week, we’ll be featuring a recipe made by the local culinary talent who is consistently mentioned in this column. Maybe some day we will be able to reveal their identity, but for now, that identity will remain […]

The Tea on Shorecraft Beer, Week of 12/7/20

Welcome to “The Tea on Shore Craft Beer,” our weekly roundup of Delmarva brewery events, happenings, and goings-on! This column will be featured weekly and published each Friday to let you know the tea on our amazing Delmarva breweries. Check out the weekly roundup for the week starting Monday, 12/7. Evolution Craft Brewing Co., Salisbury, […]

Saturday Suds: Salted Beer Caramels

This week’s Saturday Suds focuses on salted beer caramels. Have you ever had them? They’re delicious! Here at Shore Craft Beer, we are always looking to try new things and these tasty treats fit the bill perfectly. The Recipe Our recipe comes courtesy of, who got it from Becky’s Blissful Bakery, which is located […]

Saturday Suds: IPA Cranberry Beer Bread

IPA Cranberry Bread

IPA Cranberry Beer Bread Selection Welcome to Saturday Suds! This column will hopefully be a regular feature on For this week’s edition of Saturday Suds, I made a delicious IPA Cranberry Beer Bread. The basics for the recipe are something I found online, but with a twist. I used Parsonburg, MD-based Tall Tales Brewery’s […]

Saturday Suds: Pear Weizen Beer

Weather affects crops worldwide In case you missed it, the hurricane season came in with a bang. Hurricane names are now wending their way through the Greek alphabet, which is what happens when there are so many in a season that they run out of English alphabet names to give them. There are several stories […]

Saturday Suds: National Aluminum Shortage

Look Homeward, Shortage First, we had the great toilet paper shortage of 2020. Next, came the great coin shortage. Is there a national aluminum shortage in 2020 in the US? All signs point to yes. But what does the national aluminum shortage mean for the craft beer industry? Laura Reilly of The Washington Post indicates in an […]

Beer Cheddar Dip

Do you like beer, but don’t like the taste? Even if you’re not a beer fan, beer works well as an ingredient in several types of recipes; in fact, you can have your beer and eat it, too. Literally! For this recipe, I used Anchor Steam Beer from Anchor Brewing out of San Francisco to […]

Shore Craft Beer’s OCtoberfest Details

While 2020 brought unimaginable uncertainty and a host of surprises to Delmarva and beyond,  it should not come as a surprise that O.C.toberfest Beer Weekend is back to help fight those 2020 blues. Shore Craft Beer’s OCtoberfest is back, baby! Shore Craft Beer Weekend for OCtoberfest The annual beer-stravaganza will take place the weekend of […]

Black is Beautiful Craft Beer Bread Recipe

Craft beer bread

Black is Beautiful, a beer recently featured on our podcast Beer Notes, is an Imperial stout with 10% ABV and flavors of dark chocolate and fudge. It’s the perfect ingredient for a homemade Black is Beautiful craft beer bread recipe that tastes as good as it smells. COVID has changed the way we shop, what […]