Cooking in Ocean City

Poseidon’s Pub

Ocean City Cooking

Ocean Downs Casino is known for its slot machines, table games, and horse racing, but did you know world class ice sculptor and chef, Erik Cantine,  is the Director of Food and Beverage for Ocean Downs Casino? Erik supervises  a wonderful restaurant within the casino named Poseidon’s Pub. The Restaurant boasts both pub and dining areas with menus for each. Depending on your preference — pub fare or high-end cuisine, there is an option that will satisfy any palette or budget.  You can even order your food to go.

Ocean City Cooking
Erik carving for crowd in Berlin, MD
Ocean City Cooking
Erik’s ice sculpture for this year’s Penguin Swim.

Shore Craft Beer accepted an invitation for a special evening where guests were taken “behind the scenes” and taught how three different courses are prepared. Guests were invited to participate in the tutorial and given a chance to build the salad and dessert courses.

The evening started with the ladies of AGH JAG (Atlantic General Hospital Junior Auxiliary Group) meeting at the Poseidon’s Pub Bar. The ladies were then guided into the dining area which was laid out to accommodate the presentation. At that point, donned with aprons, the ladies were led through a night of fun and food education.Ocean City Cooking

Erik Cantine was supported by a great staff of people who work with him. The staff was courteous,  thoughtful and exceedingly professional. The dining room was set with elegant plates, glasses, and cutlery. Participants reveled in Cantine’s class that included cooking high cuisine as well as a history of how the dish or technique came about. Cantine brought humor and energy to the night while his staff worked seamlessly to keep his students’ glasses full and their plates Instagram ready.

The Menu:

Salad Course: Beet Salad paired with Marotti Brut Rosè

Cucumbers, Walnuts, Feta, Terrapin Farms Lettuce, Sweet Potato Hay, Citrus Vinagrette

Entrée: Steak in a Bowl paired with Woodbridge by Robert Mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon

Seared Filet Mignon, Blue Cheese Mashed Potato, Cabernet Jus Reduction, Crispy Leeks, Julienne Vegetables

Dessert: Brewamisu paired with Sandemans Founders Reserve Port

Untraditional Tiramisu laced with espresso and Lucky 7 Porter


For all full recipe of the menu items, contact us, and let us know what you are interested in.

The menu, the drinks, and the class were excellent. The night went beyond expectation and took what can be a conventional atmosphere to a new level. Smiles, laughter, and the word “YUM!” saturated the room much like the smells that came from the cooktops brought in for the class. Cantine wowed the crowd with a large flame before searing the filet mignon; while Casino Chef, John Demajistre, flipped veggies high. Poseidon’s Pastry Chef, Ellie Sabroutev, meticulously created a pan of brewamisu for all to see.

Ocean City Cooking

Cooking in Ocean City: BREWamisu

The special dessert was what peaked Shore Craft Beer‘s interest. With FeBREWary right around the corner, we were excited to taste a beer twist to this favorite dessert and share this treat with our readers. The BREWamisu was every craft beer drinkers dream. If you love beer, or coffee, or dessert, we highly recommend this stand out delicacy! (See the tutorial video below.) Come to Poseidon’s pub to partake in all the above menu items!

BREWamisu is one of the many special items, events, and discounts that businesses in the area will be offering to participate in FeBREWary and the Love on Tap Festival. Check out for all the details.


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