We Braved the Storm!: Photos from Brews on the Beach ’18

One decade of Brews on the Beach is in the books, following this year’s annual West Ocean City beer fest that ALMOST got rained out but then, thankfully, didn’t. Below are some of our favorite photos from this year’s Brews on the Beach. If you missed it, or if you made it out and just […]
Chincoteague: The Perfect Island for a Perfect Beer Festival

Last year was only our first Shore Craft Beer Fest: Chincoteague, but the day was just so perfect that we had to do it again. (And hopefully again and again and again until the end of time.) If you’ve ever been to a beer festival in mid-spring, you know that it’s the perfect time of […]
15 photos that show what MARSH Fest is all about

MARSH Fest was introduced to the world on Saturday, and while it might have been the premiere festival of its kind on Wallops Island, it went off without a hitch. Part of MARSH Fest’s success has to be due to the sheer variety of what the festival offers. Do you want to watch a guy […]