FeBREWary Beer Fest

Salisbury FeBREWary beer fest

FeBREWary Beer Fest FeBREWary Beer Fest will be held on Friday, February 7th, 5:00pm, at Southern Belle Barn. One of the first events to kick off Maryland’s Craft Beer Lovers Month, the FeBREWary Beer Fest is a great addition to the region’s month long celebration of craft beer. The Fest will continue until 8pm that […]

Packaging, the final frontier

I’m going to come right out and say it: I’m a beer conservative. Fast growth makes me wary. Like most conservatives I have what I consider a rational fear of change and worry whether new wrinkles are ill- or well-conceived and if they will force me to make changes in my life I rather would […]

Craft Beer Women and Gender-free Beer

OK It’s been a lot longer than I wanted it to be since I checked in, but I had what I thought (until recently) was an excellent reason: women. I have some personal biases I’d like to share. I’m the father of four daughters and, maybe as a result (but also possibly because of my […]