Welcome to The Shore Craft Beer Happenings Week of 1/18/21 for the Week of 1/21. This will be your guide to all the cool happenings at your local breweries!
Don’t forget about our awesome, never been done, Virtual Love on Tap Event 2021. You can register here!

At Evolution Craft Brewing Company in Salisbury, they think we all deserve a snow day!
“With it being so cold, isn’t it about time the Eastern shore got a snow day?

At Crooked Hammock Brewery in Lewes, it’s heee-re.
“She’s BACKKK! Banana Hammock

At the Backshore Brewing Co. in Ocean City, check out what’s going on in January with this awesome YouTube video, courtesy of Backshore!
They’re also open starting at 12 pm today, Friday, January 22nd!

At Big Oyster Brewery in Lewes, they are extending where you can find their products!

At Tall Tales Brewery in Parsonsburg, they have a new can re-release coinciding with a brunch, slated for January 31st!
“Join us for the Re-release of Mimosè, our mimosa inspired kettle sour gosè. And a special brunch to go with it. See you there!#talltalesbrewingcompany #brunch #mimosas #mimosasourbeer #mimosabeer #kettlesour #gosebeer #marylandbreweries #salisburymd #oceancitymd #parsonsburgmd.”

At Burley Oak in Berlin, they also have a new release, and it’s the final in a series of 5 in their JREAM line!
“Raspberry White Chocolate Cheesecake J.R.E.A.M.

At Brick Works Brewing and Eats in Long Neck, it’s happy hour! That’s today, Friday, January 22nd!
“Who is ready for Happy Hour? Stop in for some awesome HH deals available at the Bar and the Dining room from 3-530.”

At Black Narrows Brewing Co. in Chincoteague, they have a new can release!

At Blue Earl Brewing in Smyrna, they had an exciting special going on yesterday! Check out their Facebook page for upcoming weekend events!
“It’s Half-Price Crowler Fill Thursday all-day long! NEW winter seasonal Star Dust Belgian Tripel available in cans! Open 12-9pm and serving food at 3-8pm. Call 302-653-2337 #blueearlbrewing #blueearlbeer #brewforyoursoul #halfpricecrowlerfills #stardust.”

At Cape Charles Brewing Co. in Cape Charles, they have a new can release! “Portside Saison 22oz bottle Limited Release! Aged in Local Port Wine barrels from Chatham Vineyards! $18 and Give the gift that they REALLY want…BEER!!”

At Cult Classic Brewery in Stevensville,they have a cool event!
“Time to give Rex that portrait-level attention he deserves.

At Dewey Beer Co. in Dewey Beach, they have a new can release and some great off-season specials, too!
“Heavily Meditated

At Eastern Shore Brewing in St. Michaels, they have two new releases we want to tell you about! “New beer alert! Lime Squincher. A cross between lime-aid & a seltzer. Ringing in at 4.2% abv. Super crushable!” They also have Summer Crush Orange in the tank!

At Iron Hill Brewery and Restaurant in Rehoboth Beach, they say, “You get to choose one friend to take on a growler of Iron Hill beer and 8 egg rolls. Who are you picking?”

At Market Street Public House in Denton, they have some great music events this weekend!

At Mispillion River Brewing in Milford, they have a great new deal! ”

At Patriot Acres Farm Brewery in Sudlersville, they’ve updated their hours.
will be slinging the pizza pies from 12-4

At RaR Brewing in Cambridge, they have several new releases for this Saturday, January 23rd! This just one of them below, but they’re releasing Blueberry Lemonade, Cereal Milk, Raspberry Bubblegum Pop, Coconut Cream Pie, Zmoothie, and Out of Order. Check out this new six can series release, which is “Available next Saturday 1/23 only at RAR.”

At Revelation Craft Brewing Co. in Rehoboth Beach, they have some great Friday events today, January 22nd!
Featured Food Truck:

At Ten Eyck Brewing Company in Queenstown, they have a cool new event lined up for Valentine’s Day on February 14, 2021!
Check it out! “SUN, FEB 14 AT 12 PM EST

At Thompson Island Brewing Co. in Rehoboth Beach, they’re having a special event just about in time for Valentine’s Day!

At Sinpuxent Brewing Company in Berlin, they want you to stop in today!
“Once it hits your lips…