Gov Hogan Executive Order: Beer Wine & Liquor Can Now Be Delivered
Gov Hogan made an Executive Order today that allows for beer, wine, and liquor to be sold as carry-out and delivery, provided the other stipulations that have been put in place are followed:
- Social Distancing Recommendations by the Maryland Department of Health are adhered to;
- All alcohol laws are followed related to sales limits (which, for Class 5 breweries and Class 1 distilleries, have been temporarily suspended), age verifications and record keeping;
- Any requirements for state license holders imposed on such activities by the Comptroller of Maryland; and
- Any additional requirements for a local license holder that is imposed by Local Liquor Boards for this activity.
Restaurants, bars, breweries, wineries, distilleries, and other entities holding a state or local license to manufacture or sell alcoholic beverages may deliver off premises.
The new circumstance does not mean anything goes. Please see regulations:
- Licensees may ONLY offer alcoholic beverages that are manufactured and distributed by wholesalers in sealed containers for carry-out or delivery.
- Licensees are STRICTLY PROHIBITED from providing alcoholic beverages in cups or other open containers for off premises consumption.
- This is a temporary privilege permitted by the Executive Order issued on March 19, 2020. This temporary privilege remains effective until the termination of the state of emergency and the proclamation of the catastrophic health emergency.
- Sales to minors are STRICTLY PROHIBITED. A completed Delivery Customer Form must be signed by the customer for each delivery transaction.
Here is a link to the executive order.