Artwork in glass featured during FeBREWary

The public is invited to a free, opening reception for a new show, “Abstractions in Glass,” on First Friday, Feb. 5 from 5 – 7 p.m. at the Arts Center on 94th St. bayside. To celebrate FeBREWary on the Coast, Evolution Craft Brewing Co. will host a beer tasting, and DiFebo’s Restaurant will provide hors […]
Gifts for you and from you: Microbrew Monday
There’s plenty going on in the breweries all around the Eastern Shore, but this week it mostly is about outreach. Brewers here are taking advantage of the quiet season to spread the word about Shore Craft Beer. Whether you are looking for gifts for you, or from you, craft beer is a treat and a […]
Are you Stout enough to survive the winter? BWS 77

Of course you are. This week, Doug and Tony will talk Stouts and Porters as well as the looming Beer Conglomerate which is only a challenge to big market fighting. Also, we’ll dig a bit on Sam and Dogfish Head for making ignoring everyone else something of an art in his new video series. First […]
Good Beer Festival: A macro look at micro brews

Happy birthday from the Good Beer Festival The Good Beer Festival falls without error on my birthday weekend, and I never get tired of flattering myself that it is no accident. They serve “As much beer as you can drink responsibly” which, I think, inhibits rather than encourages excessive drinking (although, in the interest of full […]
Generosity among brewers

Jason Weissberg of Assawoman Bay Brewing Company always has been a gracious host, so it was no surprise that we had such a great time at the OCtoberfest brew day. In case you missed it, the local brewers teamed up with Doug and Shawn from Xtreme Brewing in Laurel, Del. to produce two homebrew-style beers for […]
Cambridge Craft Beer Festival is a big draw

It wasn’t outrageously hot at the Cambridge Beer Festival, but there was a taste in the air of how hot it was going to be by the time summer hit full on. The usual suspects were there, Chris and the guys from RaR, Toby from 3rd Wave and Justin from Burley Oak (Justin attends so […]
RaR Brewing brings the neighborhood together

Listen, I like old people more than most people my age. It’s not merely a “respect for my elders” attitude, although that’s part of it, but there’s something beyond reproach about older folks. There’s a kind of attitude that projects the confidence of experience among those who age gracefully. The key word, though, is gracefully. […]
Craft beer investing is a no brainer

This is the first of a three-part story about the Cambridge Beer festival. Brett Summers must have felt as if he were being interrogated. He, along with Patrick Fanning, own the High Spot in Cambridge and with it, the distinction of being the second, overwhelming wave of craft beer tavern entrepreneurs in the area. If […]
Dr. Beer, if it’s all the same to you

Or: Taking the misogyny out of beer through osmosis I’ve interviewed a lot of homebrewers. Some who have turned pro and others who are content to make what they please when they please. The common thread is the Mr. Beer kit which is something between a joke and a rite of passage for many of […]
The myth of women brewers

I have some personal biases I’d like to share. I’m the father of four daughters and, maybe as a result (but also possibly because of my normal disposition), I wanted to make a huge deal out of March as Women’s History month. Particularly, I wanted to make a big deal out of the successes of […]
BAM! Banging the Maryland Beer Drum

Kevin Atticks has been in the drink local business for quite some time, pressing (not literally) Maryland Wine issues in Annapolis as well as locally. Last year he accepted the challenge to run the Brewer’s Association of Maryland (BAM) as the state’s breweries continue to bump up against the intersection of regulation, legislation and promotion. […]
Can I get a witness? Beer evangelism school

NOTE: Before I get started, it is important to be explicit that in what follows I’m not talking about religious practices or their values. This is about structure and belief but not about faith. Ed Rossiter, Jr. and Ed Rossiter III were hanging around at Xtreme Brewing in Laurel, Del. having a tasting and waiting […]