Today Maryland, tomorrow… Microbrew Monday

Lots of big happenings on the Shore this week and into the future. Shore Craft Beer continues to have success in all corners of the state as well as throughout the region. Here are some of the highlights. Comptrollers cup Lot 6 always has been among Evolution Craft Brewery’s more popular beers. It is objectively […]
The fresh beer compromise

Jesse Prall has been doing a lot of brewing lately, even for a professional, full time brewer. The struggle to keep up with demand is significant, especially given that there are so many people coming into the tap room the three days or so per week it is open. It’s a problem everyone loves to […]
Craft Business as usual: Rubber Soul and the potential greatness of good beer
This part two of a two part story It’s an obvious statement but one that still is worth making: craft beer has tipped and not just in popularity. It is a Thing now, with expectations and pro- and con- sides and subcultures and vanguards. It has become part of our culture in a way very […]
The Word on Rubber Soul
This is Part one of a two-part story Eastern Shore Brewing in St. Michaels got a bad rap when it first opened nearly a decade ago because it had some inconsistency issues. Owner Ace Moritz solved that problem by going back to the drawing board, knocking off the fancy stuff and cranking out a couple of […]