Recipe for a Civilized Lunch: Grab a Friend, add a Beer

Civilized lunch

Perhaps it is my Italian heritage in combination with my travels. Or perhaps, and this is just as possible, I simply like to drink but regardless of the reason, I think there is something very civilized about having a beer with lunch. I have been thinking about quick lunch dates and why they’re so quick. […]

Hard cider, harder merger: BWS episode 78

Is Hard Cider the next big thing? Watch out craft beer. Hard cider sales are booming. (s/o @SociableCider) — Star Tribune A&E (@entertain_mn) November 11, 2015 Countries with the most craft beer infographic The Countries With The Most Craft Breweries

Crafty beers and craftier brewers BWS 76

crowd at beer fest

Crafty beers are a problem for people who drink craft beer on principle but are still getting accustomed to all the ins and outs of the industry. In this episode, we’ll discuss different ways to get a handle on which beers are which, how regional brewers might deal with the big beer merger, and the pointlessness […]

The fresh beer compromise

Jesse Prall has been doing a lot of brewing lately, even for a professional, full time brewer. The struggle to keep up with demand is significant, especially given that there are so many people coming into the tap room the three days or so per week it is open. It’s a problem everyone loves to […]

Building a better beer community

Tipping is not a city in China. It also isn’t exclusively a way to reward excellent service. One of the lesser-used variants of the word suggests when something goes mainstream in a big way. Craft beer, if it hasn’t “tipped” already, certainly is in the midst of doing so among the general public. As few […]

Brewpubs are reshaping beach towns

Dewey beer principal Brandon Smith

I thought it was busy at the Dewey Beer Company and, I guess, for the uninitiated it looked that way. But there were seats to be had and no wait for tables on a Friday afternoon, which in August just means there’s a lull. Another way to tell there’s a lull in the action is […]

Start your economic engines

I’ve been writing about the economic development aspect of beer for a long time and sometimes it is easy to forget that not everyone is aware of how critical a part of the local economy craft beer has become, but there is an aspect beyond pure economic development that doesn’t get talked about much. Real […]

Here’s to National IPA Day

Nearly a year to the day before the inaugural National IPA Day, I tried my first Maryland-made IPA. It was a concoction called 7 Finger Farmer at the soon-to-be-opened Burley Oak Brewing Company. Although this blog is generally about the local beer culture, in honor of National IPA Day (celebrated on August 6 this year), […]

Brewing from the rafters at Fin City

When people told me Fin City was above Hooper’s Crab House, I didn’t take them literally. After all, Hooper’s is just on the Assawoman Bay and it would make sense to have a brewery just above it on the water. Imagine my surprise when I showed up to Hooper’s to meet some of the owners […]

It’s all about the execution

The executor’s song It was 10 a.m. on a Friday morning and the boardwalk mostly was empty, save for the exercises (bikers, joggers, etc.) and Adam Davis, the head brewer at Backshore Brewing Company. Inside the brewery, Davis was just finishing up his morning. He’d popped by to get some work done early and was […]

Eastern Shore Brewers are building a better beer community

Tipping is not a city in China. It also isn’t exclusively a way to reward excellent service. One of the lesser-used variants of the word suggests when something goes mainstream in a big way. Craft beer, if it hasn’t “tipped” already, certainly is in the midst of doing so among the general public. As few […]

Where’s the beer?

Recently I had the opportunity to speak with Jim Lutz, who runs Fordham/Old Dominion in Dover. Jim inherited a number of problems after the two beer companies merged (*shameless plug alert* which will mostly be enumerated in my forthcoming book on beer in Delaware), but one of them is common still among many of the […]