Brewers Association Releases 2019 Beer Style Guidelines

Earlier this month, the Brewers Association released its 2019 edition of the Beer Style Guidelines, which features over 1,000 edits, revisions, formatting changes and general housekeeping updates, as well as the addition, deletion and combination of several beer style guidelines. The Beer Style Guidelines serve as a resource for brewers, beer judges, and competition organizers […]

Beer Notes: The Health Benefits of Drinking Craft Beer

This script is from the second season of Beer Notes, which you can listen to at An Ohio Army Veteran lost 44 lbs in 46 days — by drinking craft beer. He modeled his liquid diet on the diet of monks in the 17th century. Hall said the weight loss was simply a side effect, and […]

Dogfish Head to merge with Boston Beer Company, maker of Sam Adams beer

Dogfish Head beer

The Boston Beer Company, Inc (NYSE: SAM) and Dogfish Head Brewery today announced that the companies have signed a definitive merger agreement, bringing together two pioneering independent craft breweries and two illustrious founders and brewers, Jim Koch and Sam Calagione. Together, Boston Beer and Dogfish Head will create a powerful American-owned platform for craft beer […]

Beer Notes: Shifting Demographics in Craft Beer Drinkers

This script is from the second season of Beer Notes, which you can listen to at When we define craft beer drinkers as people who drink craft beer “at least several times per year,” then 40% of those 21 and over were craft beer drinkers in 2018. In 2015, it was only 35%. This week on […]

Beer Notes: Where craft beer gets its color

This script is from the second season of Beer Notes, which you can listen to at As you learned in a previous Beer Notes, the appearance of your beer, including its color, affects how you perceive that beer. This week on Beer Notes, we’re exploring the color of beer, what creates it and why it […]

Shore Craft Beer Brewery Guides Distributed Across the Mid-Atlantic

Starting on May 1, 10,000 Shore Craft Beer brewery guides will stock display racks all over Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and Virginia. Thanks to support from the Tri-County Council for the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland (TCC) and a Rural Business Development Grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Shore Craft Beer has been able to […]

Beer Notes: What even is craft beer?

what is craft beer

This script is from the second season of Beer Notes, which you can listen to at Innovative and creative craft brewers in the U.S. alter the landscape of craft beer every day, and many of us follow the introduction of new beers with interest and the eagerness to sample. Innovation is the hallmark of U.S. […]

Beer Notes: Glitter beer sparks controversy (it’s still pretty, though)

glitter beer

This script is from the second season of Beer Notes, which you can listen to at The Brewers Association announced in early April a new addition to their Beer Style Guidelines for 2019: The Glitter Beer. Typically an addition like this would not be made in such haste but, their spokesperson Lisa Frank said, they […]

Craft beer reform bills become law, signify major changes for Maryland brewers

Maryland’s craft beer legislation is finally changing. On March 16, House Bill 1080, sponsored by Delegate Carol Krimm, along with Senate Bill 704, sponsored by Senator Brian Feldman, were voted in unanimously by the House Economic Matters Committee. Senate Bill 801, the Brewery Modernization Act of 2019, sponsored by Senator Antonio Hayes, was voted in […]

Crooked Hammock Brewery Branches Out to Middletown, DE

crooked hammock middletown

The t’s have been crossed, the i’s are dotted, and on April 1, Crooked Hammock Brewery broke ground on their new, second location in Middletown, Delaware, 65 miles north of their original restaurant-and-brewery in Lewes. Middletown Mayor Kenneth Branner attended the groundbreaking ceremony, along with representatives from the Middletown Area Chamber of Commerce. They made […]