Does less volume mean more better beer? I’d like to think so. People who are smarter than I will be pouring over the real number implications, but on the face of it brewers shipped a little less beer so far this year, with pumpkin-beer-buying August showing one of the biggest jumps of all. This is from the Beer Institute’s press release:

WASHINGTON, DC, Sept. 2016 – Today the Beer Institute published an unofficial estimate of domestic tax paid shipments by beer brewers:

The August 2016 domestic tax paid estimate increased 3.3% compared to August 2015. August 2016 removals were 16,172,000 barrels, and removals in August 2015 were 15,651,000 barrels (revised).



2015 2016 Percent Change Volume Change
January 12,934,475 12,717,000 -1.7% -217,475
February 12,444,482 12,937,000 4.0% 492,518
March 15,311,089 15,406,000 0.6% 94,911
April 15,013,124 14,698,000 -2.1% -315,124
May 15,607,664 15,644,000 0.2% 36,336
June 16,866,000 16,607,000 -1.5% -259,000
July 16,068,000 15,286,000 -4.9% -782,000
August 15,651,000 16,172,000 3.3% 521,000
YTD 119,895,834 119,467,000 -0.4%


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