Dogfish Head will try and crate the hoppiest beer ever, which will be fun to see and taste. My bet is that is isn’t undrinkably hoppy but still pretty bitter and floral. I wonder whether Shawn will be interested in trying this beer…



Brewer’s Association Year in Beer It’s that time of the year again when we start to see the number roundups. It looks as if we’re back to pre-1900 numbers when it comes to breweries. But there are two significant differences: population and refrigeration. We’ll talk about how much that matters.

Beer bread
It’s gift shopping time. We’ll talk to Doug about what he has and begin to compile a holiday beer-related gift guide that isn’t tacky.


Hard news

An so it begins:
Regulatory hearing are set for next Tuesday. I guess AB InBev will start divesting itself of beers that can make a go of it. Whether that will help or hurt competition is another question altogether.

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