Saturday Suds: 8 Local Holiday Craft Beers

Local Holiday Craft Beer Time The holidays and December mean only one thing-great local holiday craft beer from local brewers and! What’s your favorite local seasonal beer for the holidays? Check out some of the releases from our very own breweries right here in our backyard! Evolution Craft Brewing Company Secret Spot Alt Ale, […]
The Tea on Shore Craft Beer, Week of 12/14

We’re back, Shore Craft Beer-birds, with another edition of “The Tea on Shore Craft Beer, Week of 12/14.” This week, we had/have a few different events from some of our favorite local brewers in Ocean City, the Eastern Shore, and greater Delmarva. Check out the tea on Shore Craft Beer, week of 12/14 below! Evolution […]
Saturday Suds: Salted Beer Caramels

This week’s Saturday Suds focuses on salted beer caramels. Have you ever had them? They’re delicious! Here at Shore Craft Beer, we are always looking to try new things and these tasty treats fit the bill perfectly. The Recipe Our recipe comes courtesy of, who got it from Becky’s Blissful Bakery, which is located […]
Saturday Suds: Pear Weizen Beer

Weather affects crops worldwide In case you missed it, the hurricane season came in with a bang. Hurricane names are now wending their way through the Greek alphabet, which is what happens when there are so many in a season that they run out of English alphabet names to give them. There are several stories […]