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In this week’s State of the Beer Tony speaks withPatrick Brady of Fin City, Ocean City’s oldest brewery. Patrick talks about how he and the other owner/operators of the brewery coordinate their various talents into singular beers. Patrick also talks about their plan to do more locally while continuing to expand the brewery’s Mid-Atlantic reach.

Featured regional releases and events

12 Pack of Local

There’s still time to get tickets for this awesome annual event.


Hopefully we’ll have more to say about this as the time draws closer. We’re hoping to get some of the involved brewers on the line to chat about how this is going to roll out.

Extended beer festival

Kind of a neat idea from Fagers, it’s like a choose your own adventure for beer.

Brewing at Fin City

Usually I don’t feature news from the brewery that also is the podcast guest, but the guys at Fin City are working on something big, and, since this podcast is a week late, we’ll overlook it.

Help Wanted

Always odd to see the career movement among brewers. There is more opportunity here for brewers than for pretty much any other profession. Guys go between breweries, working their way up the production or the managerial scales until they find something the like. Sometimes they make room for new guys. This is one of those times. If you know anyone who wants to work at the beach, reach out to our friends at Backshore Brewing.

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