
Guerrilla Brewing

We may have some antiquated homebrew laws in the United States, but at least you don’t have to drink wearing a Hulk mask. That said, maybe there should be some sort of solidarity movement. If you want to (and I think it would be cool) take a photo of yourself brewing in a mask for solidarity and post it to the Indian Express Facebook. Alternatively, you could post it to the Shore Craft Beer Facebook and we’ll share it.

If we’re having a craft beer revolution, it looks as if India is having a homebrew insurgency.

Posted by ShoreCraftBeer.com on Monday, March 21, 2016


New beer news

If the opportunity presented itself, I would try this beer. To be fair and honest, though, that goes for most beers. What’s fascinating about this is that they’re using a recipe inspired by one that the brewery was using in the 1800s. We’ll discus the future of ancient ales (since Doug has been working on some) as well as the potential for a trend of digging up old recipes and making them.

I don’t know if I’d kill to get my hands on one, though The Trooper was perfectly acceptable. I’m more interested in the fact that its inspired a revived porter recipe from the 1850s.

Posted by ShoreCraftBeer.com on Monday, March 21, 2016


Cigar City Revisited

It looks like Cigar City’s decision to sell more than half of its stake included the owners getting a piece of the new, larger company. They have a little less to lose if the merger goes south but probably will will have a say from both sides of the arrangement. That’s tricky.

In last week’s Beer with Strangers podcast, we wondered why Cigar City will sell a majority stake to capital investors. Here’s a clue.

Posted by ShoreCraftBeer.com on Monday, March 21, 2016


Drink what you like and be happy

I don’t care a lot about this, but there is a difference in kind between making a beer that is so popular it becomes a high-demand acquisition (like Heady Topper) and hyping the fact that you’re not going to make enough to go around. Although I have no stake in this, since Smuttynose is more than 100 miles from where I’m usually drinking, it seems an exhausting way to try and enjoy beer.

I feel like this is very shark-jumpy. We’ve been talking for awhile about breweries that don’t realize that there’s too much good beer to be exclusive.

Posted by Beer with Strangers on Monday, March 21, 2016

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