Mission Possible Campaign Gives Craft Beer Lovers Prizes, just for Drinking Craft Beer!
September is the Mission Possible Month. Breweries and other businesses who serve local craft beer are working together to bring attention to our breweries. They need our support, now more than ever. Shore Craft Beer, with funding support from the Rural Maryland Council, has teamed up with OCDC, breweries, and other businesses across the Shore to give away Ocean City beercations, prizes and more. Read on for more details on how you can win!
Information & Ways You Can Win
Shore Craft Beer Launches Mission Possible Campaign & New App
Shore Craft Beer App Focus of new Campaign to Help Local Breweries Shore Craft Beer, working with the Ocean City Development Corporation (OCDC) and with funding from the Rural Maryland Council created a state-of-the-art App to help users find local craft beer near them. The App was first released in beta form at the Love on Tap festival February 29th in Ocean City, Maryland. This festival attracted more than 1500 people and resulted in the highest number of downloads of the Shore Craft Beer App since its original development in 2014. Then, the Corona virus struck and closed down breweries [...]
Prizes for Mission Possible Campaign
Prizes for App Users To kick off the Mission Possible launch, Shore Craft Beer is awarding BEERCATIONS throughout the month of September. The prizes include a two night off-season stay combined with other craft beer related prizes. The Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel is offering a 2 night stay and Shore Craft Beer is adding a gift certificate to Odyssea Watersports. Throughout September, a new beercation will be awarded to one lucky winner. The Princess Royale is offering the 2 night stay for the third week and will be hosting craft beer focused events at their bar. Details [...]